How to Set Up Tryout Registration
Tryout registration has the option to be a free registration or a paid registration. When setting up tryouts you need to create a minimum of one Fee/Group. This is an event for those that are not charging a fee.
Login to your Club Account HERE
Select Club Role
Select “Programs” and then “Tryout Registration”
Step 1 - Create a New Tryout Program
Select the New Program Button at the top right corner
Name - This is the name of the program that will be displayed to the end user.
Example: South Valley Surf 204-25 Tryouts
Description - This is a short description of the registration that parents will see from within
their parent account.
Registration Open Date - This is the date that you wish the registration to open
Registration Close Date - This is the date in which registration will close automatically.
Active - Ready for people to register
Inactive - Not public, you are still working on it
Archive - Put it in your past programs to reference for later
Program Type -
Public - Allows anyone to register. This will be the default setting and will provide you a direct public link for registration.
Private - Will provide you with a code for invite only to invite specific people
Be sure to select “Add Program” to save your program
Step 2
After creating the program, you will notice the sub-navigation on the left-hand side is now displayed. You will follow each of these steps in order to complete the setup for your tryout registration.
Groups/Fees - Each program will need a minimum of one group. Creating a fee group does not mean you need to add a fee, you will have the option to make it free.
Example: Tryout Registration (This is for all Players) or if you have multiple locations you might have them go into different groups such as North and South.
• Select “New Fee” on the top right corner
Basic Fee Info
- Fee Name - This will be the name of the group that you are creating.
- Gender - This is only used if the program is gender specific. By selecting Female Only only female players can be registered.
Create a New Program - Typically this is No, as most clubs want as many players as
possible at tryouts.
Age Range - An example is if the group is for younger then you might want to add an age range. Otherwise, say No.
Grade Range - This section is typically not used for tryouts but if you would like to put grade range limitations on the registrants you may.
Postal Code - This is typically used just for recreational programs that only allow for local players.
Select next
Billing Information
Are You Collecting Fees - Select “Yes or “No”
- If you selected “Yes” for collecting fees, it will ask if you accept Credit Cards and Mail In Payments. After making your selections, click “Next” which will bring you yo the Payment Structure/Plans. Enter the Fee amount and if the payment is due at the time of registration. Select “Create”
On the left-hand side are the Parent/Guardian standard presets that are required by all registrants.
On the right-hand side are the Player standard presets that are required by all registrants.
You can create a new question by selecting “New Question” in the top right corner.
Standard Pre-Set Question - Pre-set questions that you can add by selecting the checkbox on the questions you would like to add and then clicking “Save”
Create Custom Questions - You have the option to create your own question and select how you would like your question answered.
Single Choice - Write your question and then create options. The registrant will only be able to select one option
Multiple Choice - Write your question and then create options. The registrant will be able to select multiple options
Dropdown - Write your question and then create options that can be chosen from a dropdown menu
Short Text Entry - Write your question. Registrant will be able to write a short entry with a max of 50 characters
Long Text Entry - Write your question. Registrant will be able to write a long entry with a max of 500 characters
This is where you will need to enter your agreement which the parents will sign electronically upon registration. This will create a digital record that you can later print. it will also be stored in the parent account and will have their digital signature on the document.
These are automated messages that the system will send. We recommend costuming each message as well as editing the Message details using the cog wheel.
By selecting the pen, you can edit the message
By Selecting the cogwheel, you can edit
If the message will be sent at all • Email Subject
Sent From name
Reply Email
If a Copy of the email will be sent to the registrar each time it is sent.
If you are collecting fees then this is your banking ledger that will show all transactions and also where you can issue refunds.
To issue a refund, you will click the arrow button to the far right of the transaction which will cause a flyout:
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