In order to find colleges, you must first log into your TGS player profile Click Here
- On the left-hand side click Recruiting Center. Under Recruiting Center tab click on "Colleges".
- Under search, type in the name of the college you are looking for.
- Note: you must write University if searching. Example: University of Nevada, Las Vegas you must search the name completely or you can simply write Vegas in the search bar.
- Once you type in the name click the search button. The college will populate below "College List View." From here you can click on the college and view all information about the school.
To add a college to your favorites list:
- Click the check box on the left of the college you would like to favorite.
- Click Add To My Favorites in the top right corner.
- Follow the prompt to give your favorites a star ranking. 1 star being lowest 5 stars being highest. Colleges cannot see the ranking you give them. This ranking will help your Club coach, recruiter, or director see your top choices.
* If you are searching for all colleges in a state you can simply click on the state. It will turn the color yellow. On the right of the map, click search and all colleges in the selected state will populate below under College List View.
**You can also search colleges in the following options:
- Public or Private. Division. Conference. School Enrollment. School Tuition. College Setting. To search these categories click the up-down icon on the right of each category and choose from the drop-down menu. Once choices have been made click search and all colleges matching your selections will populate below under College List View.
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