When paying a Past Due payment you will receive an email notification letting you know that your payment is past due. In that email, you will receive a link to log in to your account. Follow the steps below to Pay those fees.
- Login to your TGS Parent Account Click Here
- Select My Children from the left-hand side
- Select your child's name
- Select Billing and Payment Info
- To the right of the program name selected, Billing & Payment Info
- Here you will see the fees associated with the program
- Under "Fee Plan & Payments" click on the fee name in which you would like to pay
Remaining Payments:
If you have a credit card on file you can select 'Pay Now' next to the overdue payment. You will see a Success message letting you know you have selected a card.
If you do not have a card on file please select Add New Card. Enter the card number, Expiration Date, CVC, and Zip code for the card. Please note this must be done from a computer and will not work with a tablet or phone.
Make a Payment:
Now that you have selected the card you wish to use click the Pay Now link next to the fee at the bottom of the fly out menu.
- When your payment is successful you will see a green Success message
- If there was an issue with the card you will receive a red error message. Please enter a new card and try again.
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