In order to add Players that are approved for their US Club card to an ECNL or RL team, you will need to follow the directions below from the Club Account.
- Login to your TGS Account Click Here
- Select the Role for Club
- Select Tournaments/Leagues
- Select the Event
- Select Registered Teams (Top Box)
- Select Team
- Select Roster
- Select your game (Set/View)
- Select Club Player Pool
- Select the tab that says "Club Player Pool"
- Here you will see any player that is age-eligible and is approved for an ECNL, RL, or US Club Card
- Select the checkbox next to each player you wish to add to your team
- If the player is a US Club Player (Not ECNL or ECNL RL player) A pop-up will open where you will need to type "Agree" as you will be adding them officially to the roster. This message below will be displayed:
- Heads Up! By adding this player this will take an official roster spot from this team based on league rules
- Once you type agree this player will be able to add a player to the roster and the official roster spot will be taken.
- IF you do not have enough roster spots remaining on your team the system will notify you and you will not be able to add the player.
- Once the player has been added you will be able to print the player card. Click Here For Instructions
** Player player will be removed from the Club Player Pool and Added to your my Player Roster
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