In order to view which Colleges Have Attending your games, you must have access to the club college or club complete within your account.
Once you log in to your club account please follow the steps below.
- Log into your club account Click Here
Follow these steps:
- Select the College Recruiting tab on the left
- Select College Attendance
Here you will see a snapshot of what type of schools have attended your games.
Individual Events. Under game info, you will see a list of events your teams have attended. To the right of each event, you will see Teams, Colleges, and College Coaches that attended. To view a particular event simply click on the event. Next to each game, you will see the number of Colleges and College Coaches that attending that game.
Teams: Click Teams to search College Attendance by a particular team. Simply click the team you want to see College Attendance for and their games will populate.
Status Report: Click here to view what events you have active with your College Sideline Checkin app. Be sure that this is activated before the event to quickly add the Colleges and College Coaches that attended this event and games.
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