If you have mistakenly registered ECNL or RL players to US Club rather than ECNL or RL you will need to follow these steps.
Note: this is for players that are currently showing on the correct ECNL or RL team but ONLY have a US Club Card
In order to add Players that are approved for their US Club card to an ECNL or RL team, you will need to follow the directions below from the Club Account.
Add The Player Back to the ECNL or RL team and accept a roster spot
- Login to your TGS Account Click Here
- Select the Role for Club
- Select Tournaments/Leagues
- Select the Event
- Select Registered Teams (Top Box)
- Select Team
- Select Roster
- Select your game (Set/View)
- Select Club Player Pool
- Select the tab that says "Club Player Pool"
- Here you will see any player that is age-eligible and is approved for an ECNL, RL, or US Club Card
- Select the checkbox next to each player you wish to add to your team
- If the player is a US Club Player (Not ECNL or ECNL RL player) A pop-up will open where you will need to type "Agree" as you will be adding them officially to the roster. This message below will be displayed:
- Heads Up! By adding this player this will take an official roster spot from this team based on league rules
- Once you type agree this player will be added to the roster and the official roster spot will be taken.
- IF you do not have enough roster spots remaining on your team the system will notify you and you will not be able to add the player.
- Once the player has been added you will be able to print the player card. Click Here For Instructions
** Player will be removed from the Club Player Pool and Added to your Player Roster
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