In order to Send Notifications, you must first log into your TGS profile Click Here
- Under Select Access Level choose Club
- Select your Club
- On the left-hand side, select Communication Center
- On the left-hand side, select Club Mobile App
- On left- hand side click Messaging / Chat
- Right-hand corner, click New Message
Message Info: Here you will find the following information.
Message Title: Enter a Title for your message
Subject: Enter a Subject for your new campaign
Who are you sending to: You can select from the following recipients: Team, Staff, Players, Parents. Simply check off the type of recipients you are wanting to send to. Once selected you will see more specific recipients. Example: If you select Team, You will select the specific teams you wish to send. In addition, every member that falls under the team will populate below. From there you can select the specific group you wish to send to.
Allow Members To Reply To This Message? By checking this box any member this message was sent to will have the ability to reply. By keeping this box blank your notification will be sent out and no member this message was sent to will be able to respond.
When you have filled out everything and are ready to send your message click send!
Displaying Club Messages: Here you will see all of your sent messages. Select a message to view and in the right-hand corner, you will see Sent To which will show you how many Parents, Staff, and Players this selected message was sent to.
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