In order to view Invitation Status Info, you must first log into your TGS profile Click Here
- Under Select Access Level choose Club Registrar
- Select your Club
- Select the Programs tab
- On the left-hand side, select Tryout Registration
- Choose the program you would like to see Invitation Staus Info in
- On the left-hand side, select Members
To the right of the members under Invitation Status you will see 3 different statuses.
Invitation Sent: Invitation has been sent to the player to join the club and is waiting for the player to take the necessary actions to continue.
Signed Up: The Invitation was sent to the player. The player has taken the necessary steps and has completed his or her registration to the club and is ready to be assigned to a team.
Pending: The invitation has been sent to the player. The player is in the process of taking the necessary steps to complete his or her registration to the club.
You are able to Resend an invitation to any player that has the status Invitation Sent. Click on any member with Invitation Sent status. A fly-out menu will come from the right-hand side. Under Invitation Status, you can click Resend Invitation. This action will automatically resend the invitation to the selected player.
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